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Resultados por hasta 12 semanas
Tratamiento suavizante de queratina y cero formaldehído
Pure Renewal PLUS es un sistema de alisado de queratina CERO formaldehído verdaderamente innovador. Este tratamiento patentado es una poderosa mezcla de carbocisteína, glioxiloilo y aminoácidos, perfectamente formulada para brindar a los salones una alternativa legítima a los tratamientos tradicionales de queratina que contienen formaldehído.
Pure Renewal PLUS proporciona máxima reducción de rizo y volumen sin un cambio estructural permanente en el cabello y sin el uso de aldehídos, tioglicolato o hidróxido de sodio.
- Cero Formaldehído - Sin tiempo de espera para el cliente - Repara el cabello desde adentro hacia afuera - Dura hasta 12 semanas
QUERATINA: Revitaliza la capa protectora natural del cabello, aporta fuerza, restaura la elasticidad y reduce la rotura. EXTRACTO DE HOJA DE ROMERO: Ayuda a suavizar el cabello y acondicionar el cuero cabelludo. ACEITE DE JOJOBA: Ayuda a suavizar el cabello para sellar las puntas abiertas y al mismo tiempo hacerlo más fácil de peinar y manejar.
Agua (Aqua), alcohol cetearílico, palmitato de cetilo, cloruro de cetrimonio, glioxiloil carbocisteína, aminoácidos de glioxiloil queratina, Ceteareth-20, aceite de semilla de macadamia ternifolia, colágeno hidrolizado, proteína de trigo hidrolizada, BHT, extracto de Argania Spinosa, copolímero de acrilatos, fenil trimeticona, Perfume, fenoxietanol, caprililglicol, clorfenesina, EDTA disódico, ácido málico, alanina, arginina, ácido aspártico, glicina, histidina, isoleucina, PCA, treonina, valina, ácido láctico, CI 51319 (violeta), ácido cítrico, benzoato de bencilo, bencilo. Salicilato, Hidroxicitronelal.
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My clients are frizz-free and thrilled! It lasts about 3 months on average and my clients love it!
Thank you for being a part of our Keratherapy family!❤
Please give me a price?
We have used this on a few clients very impressed with the results
First let me say the customer is 100% 1st class. All of my orders have arrived in perfect condition and in a timely fashion.
This is absolutely the best formaldehyde free Treatment that I have used of any brand. I used the pure renewal plus on the same guest twice to compare the results to another brand that was done in the past. And PRP came out on top. The hair was shinier and had more body on the day of treatment, oh and not forget didn't have any alarming smells. At the 3 month mark my guest still had Keratin treated hair that you could see and feel. My guest says that she loves this Treatment and could immediately tell the difference.

Pura Renovación PLUS
Nuestros tratamientos profesionales de suavizado y acondicionamiento de queratina brindan brillo, fuerza, condición y manejabilidad incomparables, ¡al mismo tiempo que mejoran la apariencia, la sensación y el comportamiento del cabello!

Todos los tratamientos profesionales de KERATHERAPY cuentan con nuestra exclusiva tecnología KERABOND que combina queratina con el grupo específico de agentes orgánicos, botánicos, aminoácidos y acondicionadores de cada producto. Este complejo súper acondicionador se entrega a las áreas del cabello donde más se necesitan.

My clients are frizz-free and thrilled! It lasts about 3 months on average and my clients love it!
Thank you for being a part of our Keratherapy family!❤
Please give me a price?
We have used this on a few clients very impressed with the results
First let me say the customer is 100% 1st class. All of my orders have arrived in perfect condition and in a timely fashion.
This is absolutely the best formaldehyde free Treatment that I have used of any brand. I used the pure renewal plus on the same guest twice to compare the results to another brand that was done in the past. And PRP came out on top. The hair was shinier and had more body on the day of treatment, oh and not forget didn't have any alarming smells. At the 3 month mark my guest still had Keratin treated hair that you could see and feel. My guest says that she loves this Treatment and could immediately tell the difference.